The top 10 Hi5 tips to Invisalign success!

Believe it or not, there are about four million people in the United States who have braces. But, thanks to space-age science, traditional braces are no longer the only choice you have. Be hip and edgy – go with a new solution!

Invisalign aligners provide a solution to problematic metal brackets. They are less painful, more comfortable and more adjustable.
You will need to stick to your care plan while using Invisalign.

Here are some tips and tricks to give you the best results for Invisalign.

Regularly clean your Aligners

Your Invisalign aligners allow you to get an orthodontic treatment that is almost invisible. But the aligners must be kept clean. Unfortunately, if you don’t clean them regularly, the aligners can get discolored, making them noticeable to those around you, and also just kinda gross.

To clear any contamination and bacteria from the trays, use a gentle antibacterial soap and warm water. Try doing it at least once a day. This keeps your trays clean and in good condition.

Wear Them for the Full 22 Hours

The aligners will only work if you wear them as instructed….DUH!

For most people, that means committing to wearing the trays every day for 22 hours. You would need to take the trays out to eat or drink anything (except water of course).

If you don’t, you’ll end up extending the period of treatment, and you won’t get the results you expect from Invisalign.

Follow Your Schedule Like Clockwork

You must visit the orthodontist for changes regularly while using conventional braces.

Invisalign diminishes the need for your orthodontist but does increase the need to follow the prescribed schedule to the letter.

It is necessary to be as precise as possible while following the schedule of treatment. If you fall behind or miss your scheduled tray changes, you may extend your treatment timeline, or diminish your results. Be good boys and girls and stick to the schedule!

Expect Some Discomfort

This process may cause some discomfort, particularly after switching to a new aligner tray. But in a few days, the pain should go away, and never be severe. If at any given point the pain feels too bad, call your orthodontist.

Floss and Brush Your Teeth

The Invisalign trays fully enclose your teeth. This is what helps them to work so efficiently.

But it also means that the bacteria and germs inside your mouth get trapped against your teeth and gumline. Your saliva won’t be able to reach your teeth throughout the day to periodically rinse them off.

You need to brush and floss your teeth after meals, and before putting your aligners back in. Otherwise, the risk of tooth decay and gum disease will increase.

Hold on to Your Old Aligners

Accidents do occur. Those new aligner trays often break or get lost. You’ll need a way to maintain your progress. This is where your old buddies will come in handy.

Never Eat with the Aligners In

Food and beverages can lead to stains on the aligners if you’re not careful.

That’s why it’s important to always take your aligners out before you eat or drink anything other than water.

Though the alignment trays themselves may not get damaged by you eating or drinking, they won’t stay clear for very long. When in doubt, take them out.

Store the Aligners Properly

Invisalign aligners allow for nearly unnoticeable and carefree orthodontics!

But their almost invisible presence raises other challenges they are extremely easy to misplace. Make sure to store your aligners properly, this way you will never misplace your trays. You could always set a reminder in your phone as to where and when to store your aligners.

Don’t Feel Discouraged

It’s normal to feel self-conscious about your aligners at first. But that does not mean you should feel discouraged about your treatment. Smile wide and keep on truckin’!

Have patience! Know that it will take time to get used to wearing the aligners. Almost everyone finds it tough to talk normally at first, but the more you do, the easier it will get. If it doesn’t get easier to speak, just adopt an accent.

The important thing is to continue wearing your aligners and speak with your orthodontist if they don’t feel like they’re fitting your teeth just right.

Don’t give up on your treatment. Just give yourself a few weeks to get used to the Invisalign. It’s still going to be easier than adjusting to traditional metal braces, and less noticeable.

Go to Your Checkups

With Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about getting your braces adjusted and tightened every few weeks. Instead, you get to do that on your own by changing out your trays. But you’ll still need to go to the occasional checkup with your orthodontist to make sure your treatment is going according to plan.
It’s important that you take the time to go to these appointments. If anything comes up or you can’t make it, reschedule as soon as possible. Remember, these appointments help you and your orthodontist stay on track with your treatment. Also your orthodontist loves to see you!
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