
Transform Your Smile: The Benefits of Adult Orthodontic Treatment 

At Hi5 Orthodontics, located in the heart of Spokane, WA, we believe that it’s never too late to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Adult orthodontic treatment offers a range of benefits, from improved dental health to boosted self-confidence. Whether you're considering clear aligners or traditional braces, our expert team is here to guide you […]

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Traveling Tips for Braces and Aligners

Embarking on a journey from Spokane, WA? Your orthodontic treatment from Hi 5 Orthodontics should enhance your experience, not hinder it. Whether you’re exploring local attractions or venturing into the

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Traditional Braces Pros and Cons: Finding Your Perfect Smile

When it comes to achieving a beautiful and straight smile, braces have been a trusted and effective solution for decades. At Hi-5 Orthodontics, we understand that every patient’s orthodontic journey

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Save Money At Hi-5 Orthodontics With Early-Childhood Visits!

Hiya Hi-5 kids (and parents)! Now, you wouldn’t skip out on your wellness check-ups with your family pediatrician, would you? Well, you certainly shouldn’t skip your early visit to an

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Hi 5s always follow the exceptional, the amazing, the extraordinary – and we work hard to demonstrate this same level of greatness in our office.
© 2024. All rights reserved. | Hi 5 Orthodontics • Ronald H. Ellingsen, PLLC – Ronald Ellingsen, DDS, MS. | Hosted by Specialty Dental Brands™.
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